Cost Estimator

You can calculate approximate amount your beneficiary can receive based on the current FX rate.
Our service fee and bank charges will also be displayed.
The result shown on this page is only for your reference only.
The FX rate specified by MoneyGram at the moment we process your order will be applied.

Currency    Required
Delivery     Required Receiving method varies depending on the countries
10 minutes serivce = Cash pick up(paid out in cash at MoneyGram locations)
Account Deposit = credited directly to a bank account

Restrictions, etc.(Please read!)

Send Amount   Required

in Japanese Yen

in specified currency

The result of calculation

  • * Minimum unit is ¥1.
  • * Minimum sending amount is ¥1,000 per order.
  • * Maximum sending amount is ¥1,000,000 per order
  • * Please input 20.15 USD if you want to send 20 dollars and 15 cents.
    e.g: 20.15 USD, 150.50 CNY

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