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  2. Please Confirm

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Fill out our Registration Form

Please fill out the form shown below, and click 'Next'.
How to fill out the form

Member ID Required (Alphanumeric only, 6~30 letters) You can not change your member ID after you register.
Member ID is case sensitive.
Password Required (Alphanumeric only, 6~17 letters) Create a unique password that's unrelated to your personal information.
For security reasons, it is recommended that you use a password other than those you have already used for other sites.
Password is case sensitive.
Confirm Password Required
Nationality Required
Name Required
Gender Required
Date of Birth Required / / (MM/DD/YYYY)
Email Required

Input your PC email address or your mobile email address and click 'Confirm email'.
Please check your email account, and find a mail with a confirmation code sent from us.
Please input the code to confirm your email address.
ZIP Code Required
Address 1 Required
Address 2 Required
TEL Required
Occupation Required
Promotion CodeOptional