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Handling of Personal Information

Please read and check the following points regarding the "Handling of Personal Information" before sending us your inquiry.

【Handling of Personal Information】

▽Company name

▽Personal Information Protection Administrator
C-Square Personal Information Protection Administrator

▽Purpose of Use of Personal Information
Personal information acquired from customer inquiries to C-Square shall be used for the purpose of responding to inquiries.

▽Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Personal information acquired from customers shall not be provided to third parties without the consent of the customer unless exempt by law.

▽Entrustment of the Handling of Personal Information
Personal information acquired from customer inquiries shall not be entrusted to outside parties.

▽Inquiries about Disclosable Personal Information
We shall respond to requests from individuals to notify the use of, disclose, correct, update, stop using, delete, or stop provisions to a third party regarding disclosable personal information.

▽C-Square Inc. Customer Service Center
ZIP Code160-0022 2F, Shinjuku Uchino Bldg. II, 1-36-7, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku Tokyo

(09:00AM - 06:30PM Mon-Fri / 09:00AM - 05:30PM Sat-Sun. Excluding national holidays and holidays from end of December through January of the following year.)

▽Precautions Upon Entering Personal Information
We may not respond to inquiries that do not include a name or contact information.。

▽Unnoticeable Acquisition of Personal Information
We do not use cookies, web beacons, or other invisible methods to acquire personal information.

a seal of proof that we protect our user's privacy.
  • * Your question will be replied by email. Please input your email address correctly.
  • * We do not accept any order from this form.
  • * We are always striving to be prompt, but please allow us some time to come back to you.

Contact us by email

Mail Address


24 hours / 365 days

Contact us by phone

Customer Center



Mon-Fri 09:00~18:30 / Sat-Sun 09:00~17:30